bremenports launched its greenports strategy more than 10 years ago, setting the course for a comprehensive sustainability policy for the ports of Bremen. Since then, this fundamental conviction has been validated in many ways: a clear focus on the environment, economic success and social responsibility are crucial factors for the success of a business enterprise. Or to put it differently: sustainability pays – in every respect. A business enterprise that wishes to exist over the long term cannot afford to make only short-term plans. We are therefore now pleased to present the current status of our greenports activities in our Sustainability Report 2020.
Over the last few years we have successfully implemented numerous measures which help to promote sustainable development at the ports of Bremen. New standards have been securely established in the energy management sector, while successful compensatory mitigation measures continue to improve biodiversity. These provide the basis for all future activities – which makes it all the more important to keep a close eye on current developments. This is essential if we are to address future challenges effectively and remain competitive. bremenports has thus realised the increasing importance of cyber security and taken appropriate action. New standards were also introduced for our business processes in the fields of contract award, procurement and compliance to ensure integrity and social responsibility. In January / February 2021 we conducted a stakeholder dialogue to allow our business partners to participate in our decision-making processes, creating a reliable foundation for the future development of our sustainability reporting.
Sustainability evolves as a triad of economic strength, ecological responsibility and social commitment. For bremenports as employer, this means cooperating with our staff to create and foster a participatory corporate culture. Good working conditions which reflect our employees’ individual requirements will simultaneously be a crucial factor for finding highly qualified staff in future to fill the large number of specialist positions at the company.
Good progress has also been made in our corporate development in that respect and these achievements are also presented in this Sustainability Report.
As a clear sign of our commitment to the region, bremenports banks on a strong sense of community. For many years, the close links between the port and the Bremerhaven district of Lehe have been manifest in our strong partnership with Ernst-Reuter-Platz School. Further details are provided in an interview with Nicole Wind, the school principal. bremenports also aims to be a role model and make a contribution to society in the way we treat one another.
The consistent implementation of our sustainability strategy is an ongoing task which bremenports will continue to address systematically in future. Our thanks therefore go to everyone who sets a good example by helping to promote sustainability at the ports of Bremen.
Robert Howe
Managing Director
bremenports GmbH & Co.KG
Dr. Claudia Schilling
Senator for Science and Ports
of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
Chair of the Supervisory Board bremenports GmbH & Co. KG